Hydrolith SF-X1

Fountain Solution Concentrate for Sheetfed Presses

Product Usage

Fountain solution concentrate - with extra strong alcohol-replacement additives for sheetfed offset

Features and Benefits

  • Extra strong system of alcohol-replacement additives allow the elimination of IPA
  • Universal in use - IPA-reduction also possible on older presses
  • Very stable printing process due to strong buffering and stable ink & water balance
  • Easy to control and stable process windows
  • Fast rollup of the plate minimizes waste
  • Prevents framing and keeps the rollers clean
  • Prevents contamination of the circulation
  • Special combination of wetting additives stabilize the whole printing process
  • Very high concentration of active ingredients



20 liter cans, 200 liter drums

Storage and Shelf Life

Storage: not under 6°C, not above 30°C
Shelf Life: 12 months
Keep container tightly closed
Keep away from direct sun light


Dosage of Hydrolith SF-X1: 3 - 5%, dosage of IPA 0 - 2 % depending on the circumstances.

For a successfull elimination of alcohol various aspects are necessary: fountain solution cooling system, standardized water quality, appropriate adjustment of the rollers, or better the use of ceramic or special rollers. If standard rollers are in use the ductor speed should be increased. Regular maintanence and cleaning is very important for IPA-elimination!

For water hardness up to 15° dH / 270 ppm. Water hardness above 15°dH/270 ppm Hydrolith SF-X1-H is recommended

Technical Specifications

  • form: liquid
  • Density: 1,095 gcm-3
  • Colour: transparent blue
  • Odour: mild-characterisitc
  • pH value: 4,6 (concentrate)
  • labelling: GHS05, GHS07

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Member of
Forschungsgesellschaft Druck e.V.