20 liter cans, 200 liter drums, 1.000 liter IBC
Swelling agent for the conditioning of resin in the desmear process (permanganate line) for the multilayer-production
Store in a cool and dry place
Expiry time: 12 months
Add Desmear Queller 40 into the swelling module and well up the smeared resin after drilling. After that oxidize with Desmear Remover to reverse the forming of manganate..
Operating Parameters
concentrations: swelling agent concentrate 35-45 %, sodium hydroxide 2-3 g/L
temperatur: 60°C± 2°C
Exposure time: tank application ca. 7 minutes, horizontal lines 0,5m/min at 1m module length
Consumption: at continuous supply (compensation of wearing out) ca. 70-80 ml per m2 of cutting, or replace the bath after ca. 10m2 cutting per litre